9 Questions to Ask Before Hiring a Moving Company

Did you know that 40 million or 14% of Americans move per year? Whether it’s to get closer to family or to seek job opportunities, Americans are always on the move.

Are you one of them? Perhaps you’re already on the move of hiring a moving company?

Then allow us to take the burden of researching what to look for in a moving company. Here are nine questions that can help you find the right moving company.

1. When Hiring a Moving Company, Ask If They Have a License

All professional moving companies are highly required to get a license from the United States Department of Transportation (USDOT). Hence, a legitimate moving company should be able to give you a copy of their license number so that you can cross-reference it with USDOT online.

Note, however, that this rule strictly applies to interstate professional movers. Local moving companies are under the regulation of state laws. Thus, while they won’t have a national license, they should have a state license.

2. Is Your Company Bonded and Insured?

Before hiring a moving company, you have to establish that they’re reliable. Reliable in the sense that they have insurance or company bond in case mishaps occur during the move. As such, ask to see if the moving company has liability coverage options that you can choose from.

If you’re moving to another state, your licensed interstate mover is legally required to offer Full Value and Released Value Protection.

Under Full Value Protection, the moving company will have to pay the replacement value of all your lost or damaged belongings. Meanwhile, if you sign up for Released Value Protection, expect minimal protection. The mover will only assume liability for no more than 60 cents per pound per belonging.

3. Do You Have Experience in the Type of Move I Need?

It’s important to explain your moving needs and ask them if they’ve dealt with similar situations before. Not all moving companies can meet the demands of the type of moving service you need.

For instance, you’re selling your home to move into a townhouse with steep stairs. You need a mover that can deal with the restrictions that come with such stairs. Parking restrictions, small doorways, and lack of elevators are also some obstacles present in your new home that your movers should be able to handle.

4. What Other Services Do You Provide?

Basic services provided by movers include supplying the crew and the truck for the move. However, a lot of companies today offer extra services that you might want to leverage.

Examples of extra services that you might need include professional packing services. You might also need professional appliance disconnection services.

Sure, you can just hire another worker or contractor. Yet, won’t the transaction be smoother if a single contractor were to streamline all the tasks?

5. How Long Will It Take to Get the Job Done?

Selling a house entails the need to move out earlier so that you can close the deal faster. Similarly, buying a house and moving in will be faster if the movers keep true to their delivery date.

Thus, when hiring a moving company, ask them how long it usually takes them to finish the job. On average, long-distance moves should last for seven or more days, while local moves can end within a day.

6. What are Your Rescheduling and Cancellation Policies?

There are unavoidable instances where you might have to cancel your appointment. Most professional moving companies are flexible enough to accept such requests. Yet, often at a certain price.

Some moving companies may charge you before they’ll cancel your appointment. Other movers may not if you cancel at least two weeks early. Ask about their rescheduling and cancellation policies so that you’ll know what to expect should the need arise.

7. What Are Your Non-allowable?

Generally, movers don’t move explosive, flammable, or corrosive items. The tricky thing is that there are a lot of hazardous items in your home that can look trivial. Fertilizers, for example, can explode under the right conditions.

Most moving companies also don’t move personal items. These items include documents, videos, photos, audio, CDs, and sensitive electronics. Collections and valuable items like cash and jewelry are also a big no.

Movers don’t transport items like these because they’re highly susceptible to damage. Sentimental items like photo albums are also irreplaceable. Hence, before hiring a moving company, ask for a list of their non-allowable to help you decide if they’re right for your moving needs.

8. How Much Will Your Service Cost?

Don’t just ask how much the total moving service will cost. Instead, get to know how your potential moving company calculates its service prices.

Most interstate movers have a set of rates per pound and factor. These include the distance, location, type of car needed, weight, and the type of shipment. Meanwhile, local movers often charge by the hour.

Don’t forget to ask about their extra fees. How much more will they add to your total expense for fuel surcharges? How about for long carries charges or oversized items?

While you’re at it, ask what payment option they offer. Can you pay in checks or credit cards, or do they only accept cash?

9. Do You Provide Binding or Not-to-exceed Quotes?

Many movers offer non-binding estimates. This means that the actual cost of your move is subject to change depending on certain circumstances.

If your shipment ends up being heavier than what they’ve estimated, then you might be paying more. If the travel time is shorter than what they’ve calculated, you might end up paying less than the estimated cost. You’re lucky if it’s later, but often, customers end up paying more than the original quote.

To avoid similar experiences, opt for a moving company that provides binding written quotes. Non-binding quotes are estimates that warrant that your bill will not exceed the original estimate.

Sell Your House to Us Today and Move Tomorrow!

Tired of living in the same neighborhood? Perhaps you need fast cash to fund your fresh start? We understand, and we’re here to help.

Sell your house to us today and start hiring a moving company tomorrow. We’ve got one of the quickest buying processes in town. It won’t be long until you start planning your move.

What are you waiting for? Fill out our contact form today and get the quick and fresh start you deserve!