8 Best Home Improvements to Make Before Selling

best home improvements

Homes across the country are selling at a double-digit increase year over year. In Nashville, for example, experts calculate an 11% spike in home values since April. Furthermore, homes are seeing best and final offers at $30,000 more than the asking price. This seller’s market is in response to low interest rates, pent-up demand, and a historically tight inventory. However, this historic run on real estate may not last forever. If you have decided to sell your home, now is the time to get it ready. As you know, the best home improvements are the ones you can afford, but you still need to put some effort to maximize your profits.

In the following article, we’ll spotlight eight improvements that are sure to maximize the profits from your home’s sale. 

1. Update Your Bathrooms

One of the best ways to add value to your home is to refresh your bathrooms, and there are ways to do it without busting your home improvement budget. 

First, if you have mildew or water stains, it’s time to scrub and paint. Second, you may not be able to afford a new shower and tub, but you can afford to paint and caulk. Finally, if you are handy with tile and grout, now is the time to tackle a new backsplash or tile the floor. 

Some other quick ways to freshen up the bathroom are to paste new wallpaper or add new vanities and mirrors. 

2. Tackle Your Kitchen

Besides the number of bedrooms and baths, nothing sells homes like an appealing kitchen. The best way to improve these spaces without putting yourself in debt is to focus on cleanliness and functionality. If there are dirty areas or show signs of extreme wear, those are the areas you need to tackle. 

Sanding, restaining, and adding new handles to your cabinets may run you a few hundred dollars but add thousands to your home sale.

If your cabinet doors are beyond repair, consider removing them completely. An open storage concept looks excellent–especially if you have organized dishes and serving bowls.  

3. Manage Your Clutter

Arguably, this item could have led our guide for selling homes quickly. However, prospective home buyers need to envision themselves in your space. Now is the time to clean house if your home is filled with papers, nicknacks, and unused items.

First, look at the surfaces in your home and do your best to remove as many items as you can. For example, you should look to empty as many counters and tabletops as you can.

One method for decluttering your home is setting aside a few midsized boxes for items you want to keep. Once the boxes are filled, go through them again and see you’ve changed your mind about anything.

If you have not used or viewed the item in more than a year, chances are it isn’t as valuable as you think. 

4. Deep Clean

After you’ve decluttered, now’s the time to scrub your home clean. Focus on walls, floors, and windows. A deep cleaning will not only make your home look better in the minds of prospective buyers, but it will smell cleaner and fresher.

You may want to consider bringing in the big guns for this project and have a cleaning crew come in for the day. A three- or four-hour deep clean from a maid service will cost you a few hundred dollars but may save you many hours of scrubbing and toil. 

5. The Power of Paint

Nothing sets the tone inside and out like your paint color. Painting rooms in your home is the best way to make them look fresh and clean. Outside, a fresh coat of paint makes for excellent curb appeal and first impressions.

White is always a good paint choice for inside and outside your home. It looks fresh and clean, and people have no problem imagining another color on top of it.

Also, look around at homes in your neighborhood. This will give you a sense of what fits in the surrounding community. Beige, gray, and light blues are perennial favorites for outdoor colors.

If you can only paint one item outside, consider your front door. A freshly painted front door will add some instant “wow” to your curb appeal and won’t break the bank. 

6. Revitalize your Floors

If you have hardwood floors but haven’t given them much love recently (ever?), now is the time to consider it. Great-looking flooring can add thousands of dollars to your home sale. 

Your first step is to look underneath your carpets and see if you have solid hardwood floors underneath. If you do, consider pulling the carpet land getting the floors restored. 

A floor restoration (saving and refinishing) is only a fraction of the cost of a replacement.

7. Roof Restoration

It may not be pretty, but the roof is one of the most critical items homeowners look at. People don’t want to deal with a roof repair right off the bat, and it can kill a prospective real estate deal. 

If you suspect that you have a few weak spots in your roof or your gutters need work, reach out to a reputable roofing service. A new roof can cost you about $5,000 in Nashville, but you can get minor repairs that will shore up any problems for years to come in many cases.  

If you have any spots where leaves or other refuse as gathered, get that removed before showing your home. 

8. Landscape Rejuvenation

For our final tip for indoor and outdoor renovations, you’ll need to put on your gardening gloves. Great curb appeal can go a long way in selling your home. Look to clean up overgrown bushes and weeds so that your lawn doesn’t look misused or out of control.

Also, consider planting fresh flowers or adding pots or boxes to give the outside of your home some life. Lastly, if you have any old, unused junk on your lawn, get that hauled away as soon as possible. 

Best Home Improvements Experts

Even with a potential big payday looming with your home sale, the process can be stressful and expensive. It is often problematic for people to recognize the best home improvements to tackle to sell their homes.

Don’t be shy in calling in an expert. Often people need a fresh set of eyes to evaluate their space and help them make the right decision.

Are you considering selling your home?  Are you looking to spruce up your property before the sale? Contact our professional staff today to get the ball rolling.