A Guide to Preparing For a Long-Distance Move

long-distance move

Did you know that while 40 million Americans move every year, 65% stay within the same county and another 17% remain in the same state? Just 14% of Americans move to another state and a tiny 4% move out of the country altogether! If you’re someone who’s in the minority, then you might be feeling overwhelmed, especially if your loved ones have never moved long-distance before. You might feel like you have no one to turn to who has good advice. But we’re here to relieve your stress! Here’s a quick guide on how to prepare for a long-distance move.

Declutter and Downsize

Regardless of how far away you’re moving, it’s always a good idea to declutter and downsize. Decluttering will make it easier to find and pack your things, and downsizing will make packing much simpler since you have fewer belongings to bring with you!

Make sure you start early and tackle your house room by room. That way, you won’t get overwhelmed.

As you go through each room, sort into “keep” and “don’t keep” piles. This is a great time to exercise your KonMari skills or to brush up on them!

You can even multitask and start packing items by room when you’re putting items into the “keep” pile. But make sure you practice good organization skills when packing (more on this later).

As for your “don’t keep” pile, you’ll have to figure out if you want to give your belongings to people, or donate, sell, or trash them. Whatever you decide to do, get these things into bags and boxes so they’re ready to go!

Make an Inventory List

As you’re going through the rooms and sorting things, make an inventory list based on the “keep” pile. Note which items are in which boxes so you don’t have to go digging through multiple boxes before you find something in your new home.

An inventory list can also help if you’re enlisting the help of professional movers (which we highly recommend). Not only will this allow them to give you a more accurate estimate, but it’ll also help you check off whether or not everything arrived safely at your destination.

Make an Accounts List Too

Speaking of lists, this is an important one you should get started on ASAP. Write down all the accounts you’ll need to either cancel or switch addresses on.

As time goes on, add to the list whenever you remember one. Here are some to start you off:

  • Utilities
  • Cell phone companies
  • Credit cards
  • Bank accounts
  • Netflix subscription

If you’re selling your home, you’ll also want to note down all the tasks associated with handling the sale. This will help you keep things organized as you’re preparing for your relocation.

Pack Backwards

Starting early is always a good thing, but if you don’t pack right, you might be creating hassles for yourself.

Your first instinct is to open up your closet and start throwing everything into boxes. But that’s counter-intuitive! Instead, you should go to the garage and get out those winter clothes you’re not currently wearing and box those up.

You want to start off packing with items you’re not currently using. Pack backwards until the very last things are the essentials.

Packing this way ensures that the first boxes in your car (or truck) are the ones with non-essential items. As a result, your essentials will be front and center, ready for you to unpack as soon as you get to your new home!

Label and Color Code Your Boxes

In addition to creating an inventory list, you should also label and color code your boxes by room. This can save you lots of time when you (and the movers) can quickly glance at the boxes and know right away what’s in them and where they should go.

If you’re using professional movers, you should also put your name on every box. In case your boxes get mixed up with another client’s, they can rectify the situation quickly, thanks to your smart labeling.

Get Proper Insurance for Your Belongings

In the best case scenario, all your items will get to your new home in one piece. But in the worst, they might get damaged or even worse, lost.

You want to be prepared for anything, so make sure you get proper insurance for your belongings. You can get basic or full-value coverage, but regardless, you need to have some form of insurance. That way, if anything happens, you’ll at least be partially compensated.

Hire Long-Distance Movers

Hiring long-distance movers is a good idea, especially if you feel extremely stressed out. Not only can these pros move your boxes from point A to point B, but they can also pack, unpack, and store your things if needed.

Not to mention, they’ll also have good insurance plans and have the knowledge and experience to ensure your belongings arrive in one piece. This can take a lot of the anxiety and stress out of your move and allow you to feel more positive about it. Plus, you’ll have more time to spend with your loved ones before you move away!

Good Luck With Your Long-Distance Move

A long-distance move can be very stressful, especially if you don’t have any experience with them. But now that you have a brief guide with some great long-distance moving tips, you’re sure to pull it off without a hitch!

So make sure to start early and be organized. And of course, remember the advice we’ve given you in this article. By following it, you’ll have a smooth move!

Need to sell your home quick before you relocate? Then request a cash offer from us now. We’ll send you a no-obligation cash offer within 24 hours of viewing your home!