Category: Moving Tips

A Guide to Preparing For a Long-Distance Move

Did you know that while 40 million Americans move every year, 65% stay within the same county and another 17% remain in the same state? Just 14% of Americans move to another state and a tiny 4% move out of the country altogether! If you’re…

8 Best Home Improvements to Make Before Selling

Homes across the country are selling at a double-digit increase year over year. In Nashville, for example, experts calculate an 11% spike in home values since April. Furthermore, homes are seeing best and final offers at $30,000 more than the asking price. This seller’s market is in…

8 Common Moving Mistakes and How to Avoid Them

Moving means a lot to people. In 2020 alone, nearly 30 million people told the Census Bureau they lived at a different address. That’s roughly ten percent of the country.  Most of these moves did not go smoothly. Common moving mistakes are easy to fall…

Moving House: A Handy Checklist for Moving Day

If you’re moving into a new home this year, congratulations! Buying a home in a post-pandemic world has not proven to be easy—but you did it. You were able to navigate a perfect storm in your favor—low interest rates, lots of options. These two factors,…