Moving House: A Handy Checklist for Moving Day

moving house

If you’re moving into a new home this year, congratulations! Buying a home in a post-pandemic world has not proven to be easy—but you did it. You were able to navigate a perfect storm in your favor—low interest rates, lots of options. These two factors, combined with a willingness to move during the pandemic, turned 2021 into a record-maker. Home sales hit a record fourteen-year high, hitting $6.7 million by January. That’s up almost a quarter, or 23%, from the year prior. With all the excitement (and, let’s be honest, stress), of moving house, it’s easy to let a few important tasks slip through the cracks.

Did you remember to cancel utilities in your name? Do you have your medication on hand or is it lost in one of the five boxes marked ‘bathroom’? 

Make things easier on yourself by reading here.

One Month Out

Let’s say you’ve got a month’s notice before your move, or you’re at least intending to move soon. With moving on the brain, you might be feeling antsy to get to work. Well, there are certain actions you can start taking today that won’t impact or hinder your daily life.

Begin downsizing before you start packing. If you wind up getting rid of things, that allows you to allot important boxes to items you actually need or want. Make the classic three piles—keep, sell, donate—and get to work one room at a time.

Then, start packing what you won’t need. For example, you could start taking picture frames off the walls, packing knick-knacks, excess dishes or silverware, Christmas decorations, and anything else you can safely tuck away and forget about for the next 30 days. Hopefully, your downsizing phase helped you with this process.

If you’re working with fast home buyers, you might establish a moving timeline now after agreeing to a selling price. If you’re planning to hire movers, start figuring that out now, too. With both of these services, give yourself time to navigate the process, and be sure to keep all documentation in a designated folder.

Along with moving and closing documents, gather other important documents early and keep them secure and close during the move. Depending on the person, that might mean medical records, vet records, and any mortgage information.

Finally, make a list of all the institutions you’ll need to change your address for, and prepare your utilities for canceling, starting, or transferring.

One Week Out

At this point, you’ve packed most of your belongings, down to the necessities. You’ve got a week left before the calendar in your kitchen marks moving day with a big red circle. 

If you haven’t already, you may start packing some essentials.

Families can pack one box that’s got the necessities for everyone—things like toilet paper, pet food, any meds, snacks, batteries, and anything else you deem fit. You should keep this box with you so it doesn’t get lost with the other moving boxes. In addition to this box, each family should have a small bag with personal toiletries, a change of clothes (or two), and anything specific they’ll need during a move.

You’ll want to finish almost all of your packing, which requires you to meal plan around your dishes and remaining food. Figure out a week’s worth of meals and consider using paper plates to avoid cleaning. This also means disassembling any remaining furniture—so you might have a fun few days of sitting on the floor!

Confirm dates and times with movers. Take care of any other logistics, like closing bank accounts or calling the new utilities provider to confirm your service.

One Day Out

Is your car packed with your need-first necessities? Is your essentials bag ready? How about that of your family members?

Have you thought about tomorrow’s lunch? If not, consider putting aside some snacks or even ordering pizza for something quick and easy. If you’re embarking on a long-distance move, you’ve probably packed a cooler with drinks and bites, and if you haven’t, there’s still time.

Unplug any electronics, make sure all boxes are labeled and arranged carefully for the movers, and confirm your moving date once more with your moving company. If you’ve got a pet in your moving crew, make sure all their necessities are packed with yours. 

The Day Of

You’ve made it to the final day of your moving journey. The rest is (mostly) easy!

If you’re bringing anything with you, ensure it’s out of the way of the movers and in your car. Have any children or pets out of the mover’s way and be ready to give directions. During this time, conduct a final sweep of the house to triple-check that everything is packed and ready to go. 

From here, you’ll go to your new house, where you’ll meet the movers shortly after. Finish off the moving process with them, tipping if desired, and breathe. You’re all moved in!

Moving House Made Easy!

As you prepare to start over in a new home, this checklist can bring you peace of mind. By following the moving day tips listed here, everything will go that much smoother for you, your other household members, and your movers.

Then, you can focus on the important part—settling in.

If you’re still struggling to get your old house off the market, or you know anyone else in Tennessee who needs their home bought fast, We Buy Houses Nashville can help. 

Contact us today for a free, no-obligation cash offer on your home that lasts for seven days. You could be moving house sooner than you realized!